Shining a Light on Mental Health: Together, We Can Make a Change – by Dr. Amanda Aster-McKenna, Psy.D – Licensed Psychologist in Montclair, NJ

Shining a Light on Mental Health: Together, We Can Make a Change - by The Montclair Therapist, Dr. Amanda Aster-McKenna, Psy.D - Licensed Psychologist in Montclair, NJ

October 2024 Newsletter

The Montclair Therapist - Dr. Amanda Aster-McKenna, Psy.D - Licensed Psychologist in Montclair NJ

Dear Readers, 


As some of you may know, on Thursday, October 10th, 2024, we celebrated World Mental Health Day. This is a day for us as a community to take action and make mental well-being a global priority for all.


Mental illness affects everyone

Both directly and indirectly, through our family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and strangers that we see crossing the street, everyone is affected by mental illness in some capacity. However, no one has to experience mental illness alone.  We are doing an amazing job at spreading awareness of mental illness, decreasing the stigma of reaching out for help, and promoting the notion that mental illness is real, help is available, and recovery is possible, and, there is still work that needs to be done!


This is where our greater community can chime in:

  1. What is one meaningful action that you can take today in an effort to decrease the stigma of mental illness and spread awareness?
    • Might you be willing to talk openly with a friend about your own mental health struggles? Or ask curiously and nonjudgmentally about theirs?
    • Might you show compassion for those struggling with mental illness? Perhaps through maintaining eye contact as they share, and offering your gentle presence while resisting the urge to problem solve?
    • Might you choose empowerment over shame? Meaning, could you choose to own your own story, as unique and beautifully imperfect as it is, and refuse to let others’ negative/skewed perspective of mental illness impact your own narrative?
  2. What might be one meaningful action that you can take today to increase your own mental health?
    • Could it be getting to sleep one hour earlier?
    • Could it be choosing to take the stairs vs. the elevator?
    • Could it be choosing to make amends with an estranged relative/friend?


Upcoming Mental Health Awareness Events in New Jersey

There are a few very important events coming up this month that I want to share with you, with the aim of continuing to raise awareness for these important causes, in addition to gently inviting those who are willing to participate in acting on them!


  1. The 7th Opioid/Fentanyl Awareness Walk hosted by Essex Health & Wellness Recovery Center will be taking place Saturday, October 26th, 2024 at 9:00AM. The important event is intended to spread awareness of the dangers of opioids & fentanyl; to remember those who have lost their lives to substance use disorder; to support the loved ones left behind; to thank those who help those struggling with addiction; and congratulate those who have given themselves the gift of recovery and a second chance at life! 
    • Check in begins at 8:00AM at Newark School Stadium, and the walk begins at 9:00AM. The other start/stop locations are Bloomfield Fire House, Glen Ridge Town Hall, Montclair Police Department, Verona Town Hall, and BLR at 80 Bloomfield Avenue in Caldwell, NJ. There is no fee to walk and free tee-shirts are included! Following the awareness walk, there will be lunch and a presentation at the First Baptist Church at 259 Bloomfield Ave, Caldwell.
    • For more information, to register, to sponsor, or to volunteer, contact Robin Lavorato (862-485-8811) or [email protected].
  2. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) Out of the Darkness Community Walk is taking place in Essex County at Verona Park on Sunday, October 27th, 2024 at 11:30AM. This community walk offers an opportunity to remember those that we have lost; provide hope to those who are suffering; and support the community in the shared effort to #StopSuicide.


Stay tuned!

Together, we as a community can work together to spread the news that mental illness is real, treatment is available, and recovery is possible! Stay tuned into my Instagram handle @dr.amandaastermckenna for real time footage of both of these awareness walks where my family and I will be participating!


Thanks so much for your time today, and I cannot wait to connect again next month as I share some tips & tricks to tolerate the Holiday season!

If you would like to sign up for my monthly newsletter, please email [email protected] to be added to the mailing list or enter your email address below.

*Peace, Love, & Fierce Acceptance*

Dr. Amanda Aster-McKenna, Psy.D.


NJ Licensed Psychologist #5888, Private Practice, Montclair, NJ

Adjunct Professor, Kean University, Department of Advanced Studies in Psychology

Manager, New York City Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Board Member, Mental Health Association of Essex and Morris

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